Based on our work experience, we note that more and more applicants who dream of becoming doctors when choosing an educational institution are thinking about the prospects of their employment and decent wages.
Therefore, when considering options for education in Europe, most opt for medical. After all, we are talking not only about high–quality education, practical classes, modern laboratories and clinics that have each medical university in their structure, but also in comparison with others – a more affordable tuition fee, or free training for permanent residence card holders, applicants who speak Polish at the C1 level, and a confirmed language certificate.
Pay attention! All universities that provide training in medical areas are divided into:
universities are subordinate to the Ministry of Health;
universities are subordinate to the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.
It is this division that determines completely different entry procedures. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that regardless of the subordination of the university, the form of education, free or paid tuition, admission by competition is common to all, taking place on the basis of:
final exam scores. Biology and chemistry were mandatory for the entrance campaign last year;
exam results. So, certain medical universities, when enrolling for training, prefer only exams that are held directly in the premises of the university.
Applicants can enroll in medical universities abroad both under different programs (scholarship, for persons eligible for free education) and on different grounds (e.g. by the decision of the Rector).
Depending on the chosen university and the foundation, the admission procedure also differs. At the same time, it should be remembered that the requirements for the admission of foreign students are set by each university independently. Therefore, you should be careful when analyzing passing scores.
So for the last entrance campaign in some universities, the passing score for Polish applicants to the Faculty of medicine was at least 250, but for foreigners – 380. Which meant that the results of the Unified State Exam for a foreigner should be equal in translation to a 5-point scale of at least 5 points, respectively.
As for paid training, its cost in foreign medical universities also varies. Therefore, if you are not sure that you can count on free tuition, immediately consider those universities where you can pay for tuition. Our specialists will help you choose the most suitable options and help with admission.
Our company helps with admission to medical educational institutions abroad, both for paid training and for free. So, if you are interested in studying abroad at a medical institute, please contact us!
October 5, 2023