Assistant to the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Viktor Vodolatsky Senik Avanesyan, editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Chekists of the Don” Viktor Moskalenko, Director of the Chess Federation of the Rostov region Andrey Grivtsov, member of the All-Russian organization “Officers of Russia” in the Rostov region Garik Vardanyan met with representatives of the Lugansk State Medical University named after St. Luke of the Ministry of Health of Russia. As part of the meeting, a delegation from the Rostov Region handed over chess literature and chess sets to the University’s student chess club.
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Bibik V.V. received humanitarian aid from the university, who thanked the delegation of the security forces of the friendly Rostov region for humanitarian assistance to future doctors and pharmacists, among whom there are many students from the Rostov region. Valery Vasilyevich expressed hope for further cooperation in terms of the development of chess sports at the university.
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